Our Ethos

Our Ethos
We warmly welcome you to Greengates Primary Academy. We are a one form entry academy and have the development of the whole child at the heart of our learning and everything that we do. Our aim is to provide a safe, caring and nurturing environment where our children are happy and can realise their full potential to be lifelong learners and good citizens of the future.
Our whole school Motto is: Reach for the stars, and you will be flying!
This motto symbolises having high ambition in everything that we do. We encourage this ambition by supporting children to ‘Be the best they can be.’
Our Behaviour Expectations are:
Be Safe
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
Our Core Values are:
Confidence We want all our pupils to be confident learners with a ‘can do attitude’ who see mistakes as learning opportunities. We enable children to develop their confidence and courage by stepping outside of their comfort zone in a range of ways. We want all our pupils to make the most of every new experience and opportunity so that they can aspire to be whatever they want to be in an ever-changing world.
Challenge We encourage all our children to be resilient and to never give up even when things can be difficult. We embrace challenge and discuss how learning wouldn’t be meaningful if it was without challenge. We believe that all children should keep trying to ‘Be the best they can be’. We support them to overcome challenge, bounce back from setbacks and embrace the internal motivation to keep trying and never give up.
Community There is a strong sense of community within our school and wider local area. We want our children to feel a sense of belonging to a special place as part of a happy team. Pupil Voice is at the heart of everything we do – we want children to have a say in what and they learn. Through our curriculum, we encourage our community to get involved in our learning. ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ we foster this popular African proverb by encouraging parents and the wider curriculum to support our curriculum.
Curiosity We encourage our children’s interest in the world around them and nurture their natural curiosity for finding out new knowledge and developing new skills. This is developed through the provision of our well-structured, broad and balance curriculum and wider enrichment opportunities. Our curriculum is set out in big questions which allows children to actively think.
Care We want our pupils to be equipped with strategies to care for themselves and others. We teach children to be kind and considerate of the people and the world around them. We aim to raise their awareness respect of the beliefs of others. We keep them up to date with relevant news and events from a local, national and global context and the effects of this. Our pupils engage in discussion and debate in a way which encourages others to share but also in which mutual and respectful challenge can occur. We want our pupils to be considerate to the feelings of others; and be aware of how to support those that need it.